Sunday, November 22, 2009

Warrior Cats Character Art!

Would you like warriors cat character art? Just tell me and I'll make one for you!
All you have to do is post this form (filled out) and put it on the comments page!

Name of Cat:
Hair:(Long or short)
Pelt Color: (Just describe the pelt color)
Eye Color:
Extras: (ex. scar across nose bridge, half a tail, torn ear, etc.)

I make it for you as soon as I can! Please also have a link to your site or email so I can actually give it to you!



(See below for more info!)

Yes, I will be holding a contest! If you win, you will get a special edition charart, the normal ranks are: kit, apprentice, queen, leader, deputy, warrior, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice and elder!

The special editions you can choose from if you win are: loner, rogue, to-be, prey hunter, kit-mother, soft-paw, cave-guard and kittypet! The cool part is that there will be 5 winners in all! 

Well, what do you have to do to win? Well, all you have to do is make a cool warrior cat-related banner and post it on the comments page! I will be selecting winners on December 1, so get to work! I hope you have fun and I will post the winners on the comments page, they will be able to request a charart! 

Have fun!
Chatterbox Panda

My Stories! (Please read and comment!)

Okay, so I write fiction about a group of animals called Intorians. Please read and say what you think! (First read, then comment! Thanks!) If you'd like to read Chapter One, just tell me in your post and I'll post Chapter One!


    It was a dark and eerie night, the moon shone down on the forest. Deep in the forest, there was a den, two wolves were nestled in it, talking to each other in hushed voices. "Who, in Intoria, should we give to nurse him, who can we trust? If the other Guiders find out about him..........oh......." a sleek silver female wolf asked, shaking her head back and forth. A black shape shifted from beside her before saying, "Well, Earth, who do you think?" Earth looked up at him, her eyes clouded with pain and worry. "Girtai, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure, do you think Aori will be good enough?" Earth murmured. "Are you sure Earth?" Girtai asked, "Why? Is there something wrong with Aori?" Earth replied, with a sharp edge in her voice. "No need to get all worked up, I was just asking." Girtai licked Earth between her ears comfortingly. "Then it is decided?" Earth said, though it came out more like a question. Girtai nodded his
approvement, I will visit Aori tonight." Earth said, then let her head rest on her paws.

    Aori woke up suddenly, and looked around her surroundings. She was sleeping in a clump of grass, in the middle of clearing, then she shook her head and began to blink away her drowsiness. "I must be dreaming, this isn't where I was when I first fell asleep!" Aori murmured, clearly bewildered. "Of course not, your in the sky. Where the Silakees roam." a soft silky voice spoke out, Aori turned her head and gasped. It was Earth, Aori didn't even exist when Earth had vanished, almost no one knew where she had gone. Earth vanished such a long time ago. "Earth? Is that really you, what happened, after you vanished, where did you go?" Aori asked, barely able to constrain the excitement in her voice. Earth gave her a knowing glance, "Aori, that is not important, at least not now, come closer, I have a message for you, the message is much more important." Aori got up slowly and padded over to Earth, "Is there something wrong?" Aori said.

    "Yes indeed, I've give birth to a pup." Earth said quietly, then looked down at her paws. Aori tilted her head, "Whats wrong about that? Unless, your...........oh." Earth looked up quickly and locked eyes with Aori, "Yes, I am a Silakee Guider, and you know what happens when a Silakee Guider gives birth!" Aori took a step back, "You really mean.....? But.............but......that is impossible! I thought that only happened in legends and stories!" Earth shook her head sadly, "He is born what he is, but maybe you can change it?" Earth said, her voice trembling. "What can I do?" Aori protested, "There is a lot you can do, you take care of him, treat him as you would treat your own pup, let him live as a Intoria." Earth told her. Before Aori had a chance to say anything, Earth continued, "But beware, if he finds out he's a Silakee, if he finds out his real parents are know what may happen, but you can make it never happen!" Earth hissed, Aori opened her mouth, beginning to ask a question but Earth interrupted, "He will be with you shortly!" Earth said before racing off into the mist outside of the clearing.

Drawings I Drew

Below, you'll find two drawings I drew! Drawings © to Chatterbox Panda.




Okay, I decided to make a banner for the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, you like? And yes, you may use it if you'd like! :)

Create your own banner at!
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

(Post it in the comments!)

Vikings' Victory

Well, the Vikings won! But if you watched the game, it was pretty obvious they would win. They were ahead by like 28 points! I had fun watching the game, though I didn't like it that much because I don't like to watch games where you can see that one team will win, I wanted the two teams to be evenly matched, but I guess that can't always happen! 


MN Vikings


Okay, you'll probably find this out later on but I live in Minnesota, so of course, I support the Minnesota Vikings, which is a football team. Yes, I am a girl, girls can be interested in football too you know! Anyway, the Minnesota Vikings are playing the Seattle Seahawks right now.

They are leading by 21 points, so the score for the Vikings is 21 and for the, well, 0. This is funny because I used to live in Seattle just a while ago, and I never really was a football fan, when I came to Minnesota, my dad started watching football so I just became a fan. (Though I don't paint myself purple, white and yellow, I also don't wear a Viking helmet. :D)

Hello Everyone!

Well, hello everyone! First, welcome! And second, I'm Chatterbox Panda, but you can call me Panda if you'd like!

Anyway, this is my blog, where I will post posts, videos, games, polls and much much more! So stay tuned! (By the way, this blog is about tons of different stuff!)